Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A bit of software engineering

This article will only details some changes on the code done in order to have a more adaptable test software. It will also explain how to use the library with an MPI program in C.

The Project

The project is so far organised around 2 things: the profiler and the display. The profiler is produced as a library, that patches some of the MPI calls. The display is an executable that only displays information from the profiler.

The current directory architecture reflects that organisation, where the display is actually in a subdirectory of the profiler (the interface one).

When build 3 folders are created;

  • dynamic containing the library as a .so - or static with the .a
  • includes which contains the header to add to the MPI executable you want to use with the profiler (the mpi_wrap.h file is the one, the intra_comm.h just defines some of the way for the display and profiler to communicate and can be used later on to develop another display)
  • display that obviously is the folder where the display executable is stored.

The actual profiler is done in C, and therefore uses MPICC (on my machine GCC - No build was really done on Ness, as for the moment Qt isn't installed on it).

The display is implemented in C++ using both Qt and MPI and uses the powerful .pro files to handle compilation.

The profiler

The profiler is organised so far around:

  • mpi_basic.c and mpi_communication.c that implements the MPI functions defined in mpi_wrap.h.
  • child_comm.c, child_comm.h and intra_comm.h that implements the profiler/display communication.

MPI overloading

Only the defined function in mpi_wrap.h are overloaded, and this is so far the only file that has to be included from the original MPI program. Each of the function will call some of the child_comm module to communicate with the child, and the user doesn't have to bother with them.

The child_comm module

Actually very few type of communication is required with the display. The header is rather small:



int start_child(char* command, char* argv[]);
int alive_child();
int sendto_child(char* mess);
int wait_child(char* mess);

#endif // CHILDCOMM

  • start_child starts the child, and therefore is called in MPI_Init()
  • sendto_child sends information to the child, the message is of a defined size in intra_comm.h
  • wait_child is to wait for the child death (i.e. be sure he received every information before closing communication) and is thus called in MPI_Finalize()
  • aline_child() return either SUCCESS or FAILURE (defined in intra_comm.h) to inform that the child is still running or not.

Such approach allows different way of communication with the child without affecting directly the MPI overloaded functions and vice versa.

The display

The display is developed using the Qt library, and uses a classical directory organisation. Qt provides a excellent tool, qmake, to generate Makefiles from a project file (here mpidisplay.pro) and will adapt to it. From a platform to another just minor modification have to be made on the file, such as the 2 first lines that defines MPICC flags. Note that Qt uses GCC as a compiler.

Extract of the mpidisplay.pro

# using 'mpicxx -showme:compile' and 'mpicxx -showme:link'
MPICXX_COMPILE = -I/usr/local/include -pthread
MPICXX_LINK = -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lmpi_cxx -lmpi -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl

Qt provides also a good interface designer, that will be used to generate the GUI, and the forms generated are stored in the forms folder. The src folder contains the sources.

The code organisation

The display code is organised around 2 classes so far:

  • MPIWatch that is implemented as a singleton and is the only one to deals with MPI communication (i.e. communicates with the profiler). It therefore uses some information from intra_comm.h.

    It is inheriting from the QThread class, that is a portable thread for Qt (using pthreads on Unix certainly) and allows communication and display actualisation to be separated.

    The communication with the other class is done through Qt internals signals, that are kind of remote calls. When a message is received from the profiler, it is stored on a message stack, and the signal newMessage() is emitted.
  • CommStat that is a classical QWidget displaying basic information on the number of sends and receives. It pops information from the MPIWatch object each time this one signals a new message.

How to use the mpi_wrap library?

Using the library is a very easy, and standard.

  • Add the #include line to the code that uses MPI.
  • Compile the files with the path of the include files (usually -I)
  • Link the executable with the path of the library, and the library name (usually -L and -libmpi_wrap).

Example in a Makefile

# path where the library is installed
MPI_WRAPPER = /home/workspace/project/current
# linking is either static or dynamic, will look in $MPI_WRAPPER/$linking
linking = dynamic

CC= mpicc

LFLAGS= -lm -L${MPI_WRAPPER}/$(linking) -lmpi_wrap

EXE= ring

SRC= ring.c

OBJ= $(SRC:.c=.o)

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

all: $(EXE)

$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS)
@echo "don't forget export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$(MPI_WRAPPER)/$(linking)'"
@echo "don't forget to add $(MPI_WRAPPER)/display to the PATH!"

rm -f $(OBJ) $(EXE)

The sources

The sources are available on http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DDUQP5QH.

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